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Tag Archives: china
2 Big Things and a small thing…
…that’s waaaaaay more important. So I’ve kinda paired down my political commentating to about once week and thus my posts will likely be longer and cover multiple topics, but you’ll only have to hear me rant once a week now … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged bonds, china, chinese president, chinese state dinner, debt, european, european bond debt, health care, house, House repeal health care, obama, policy, president, repeal, state dinner, vote
How do you deal with a Bully…
who has a bully for a parent? That’s the problem we have right now with North Korea. So seriously how do you do it? Here’s the situation in brief. North Korea has killed roughly 50 South Koreans this year. They … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged china, north korea, sanctions, south korea, U.S., war
Election Download and what happens now…
…and why I think that personally the Fed jumped the gun. As you should know by now the breakdown of congress after this year will be House: 239 Seats for the Republicans, 186 Seats for the Democrats, 10 for Independents. … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged bonds, china, congress, economy, election, jumped the gun, value
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China’s currency too undervalued?
The simple answer is HELL YES. But what does that mean, and how did it get that way? This rant comes out of the U.S. House just passing a Bill that would allow the U.S. to place tariffs on goods … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged bill, china, chinese government, currency, dollar, exchange rate, house, Rants, senate, tariffs
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China now 2nd biggest economy…
In the World. Due to lack of growth on the part of the Japanese economy, and coupled with the Chinese policy of abusing it’s workers and paying zero attention to international copyright agreements, the Chinese economy has now outstripped every … Continue reading