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Category Archives: Rants
I think I’m past anger and depression and all the other typical rounds of things you feel when something traumatic happens and now I’ve reached acceptance. It’s over. The experiment is more or less over. It was a good democratic … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
SRO License Class
I am roughly two years into my SRO License Class. For those of you who have no idea what that means, SRO stands for Senior Reactor Operator. You see in order for a person to be allowed to operate a … Continue reading
The 2nd Amendment
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” That’s the amendment as written in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged 2nd amendment, constitution, gun control
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Why I’m voting for Romney and not Obama.
I think everyone knows I’m fairly opinionated and I do indeed have an opinion on the coming election and this is it. I’m going to vote for Romney and not Obama and I have reasons for both. Firstly I will … Continue reading
On Authority
Everything you know is very little. Let me stress that by stating it again but less Yoda like. You know very little. And I’m not saying that as an attack on you, the reader. It is true of everyone. The … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged authority, knowing, learning, on authority
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Logic and Science
I’d like to start by stating something that I find rather obvious but which seems not to be anymore. Logic, which is to say a person’s ability to use their knowledge and experience to form reasoned chains of expressions about … Continue reading
Trafficking in Persons
Below is a letter I received from a nun who I support who does some amazing work in the field of Counter-Trafficking. If you were unsure of your plans this year in the realm of donations to charitable organizations, I … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged counter-trafficking, human trafficing, human trafficking, sex slavery, slavery, St. Eugenia
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Solar and Wind are Retarding
the efforts to make the power grid more efficient and greener. I use the word retarding because it means exactly what I want to express, which is that the current focus on shifting power production to wind and solar with … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged energy storage, pumped hydroelectric storage, solar power, wind power
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Religion and Politics
Those are the two subjects to avoid if you want to keep your dinner party civil, right? And rightly so, as both of these topics have a singular thing in common with each other that other topics do not. They … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged Rants, Religion and Politics
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Treasury Bonds Coming Back
U.S. Treasury Bonds saw a drop in price and an uptick in yields today, meaning the bonds cost less to buy and provide a higher yield than they had before. This is a good thing, or at least a sign … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged treasury, treasury bonds, US treasury bonds
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