…that’s waaaaaay more important.
So I’ve kinda paired down my political commentating to about once week and thus my posts will likely be longer and cover multiple topics, but you’ll only have to hear me rant once a week now 🙂
First Big Thing: The Health Care Repeal Law is going on the floor of the House today for a vote. While the Republicans are gung-ho about killing the health care bill, they unfortunately only control the House of Commons…I mean the House of Congress…yes, well anyways. The Senate is still Democrat majority and they aren’t looking to pass any similar law. AND then even after getting passed the Senate the law would still have to go before Obama, who would likely veto it, making it even harder to pass the law in Congress. It’s a show of force on the part of the now Republican dominated House, but to be honest it’s not going to get anything accomplished. I mean I understand the necessity of the saber waving, proving to their constituents that they are doing all they can to repeal the bill, but honestly it’s a lot of wasted paper and time. I’m looking at the Supreme Court to do what Congress can’t, which is to kill this thing. Anyways, the vote to move forward on the Bill is today.
Second big thing: State dinner between China’s President and ours. State Dinners are the pomp and circumstance of a foreign visit. Everything important will be happening behind closed doors. Right now I have the distinct feeling that Obama will be treating China like Clinton did, which was basically giving them anything they want, because the Democratic foreign policy that has developed in the last twenty years or so has been “Appease Hitler and maybe he won’t take over France.” It’s bad, but the Republican one isn’t much better “Only go to war to ensure the oil supply stays good”. I’d like a foreign policy that was more “America is number 1 and you should be too.”, but hey I’m a patriot, something your average politician is not these days.
But beyond the simple selling of state secrets and technology to the Chinese which the last few Democratic Presidents have done, and which I’m sure Obama will continue, the Chinese president will be meeting with several large business leaders. They will all be shouting about Currency Issues, Copyright Violations, and Human Rights. The Chinese will smile and do nothing. A recent report coming out of China shows that 8 out of 9 foreign owned businesses in China have made enormous profit and growth over the last few years. The companies don’t have enough incentive to pull out of the market and the Chinese know that and so they can easily afford to not change their policy.
Small thing that is actually a huge thing: While everyone is watching the two things above, China just bough billions of dollars of security bonds from Spain and Portugal during an auction last week. So you know how China owns billions and billions of dollars of our debt? Well, now they own billions and billions of dollars of European debt. Call me crazy, but in a global economic market, what’s the best way to take down a superior military power? The best answer is to destroy them economically long before you make any kind of physical threat, therefore they won’t be able to counter attack. China is taking on more and more of the debt of the “free west”. If China takes over as the next world power it won’t be because it won a war. Not a single shot will be fired. Instead they’ll just collapse the rest of us economically and then laugh over our corpses. Luckily for us we still have two aces in the hole: Our companies basically own their industry and we can collapse their economy by inflating our own money. Using either ace wouldn’t be pretty, but it’s nice to know we have them.
What do you mean by, “Our companies basically own their industry”?
The existence of a large part of their industry is due in large part to our consumerism. If the West stops buying then their industry collapses. They have not yet gotten to the point whereby their industry can sustain itself without foreign markets, unlike our domestic industry which is almost completely dependent on domestic markets.