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Tag Archives: senate
Sticking with Pelosi eh?
Pelosi somehow still wants the top dog seat for the democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives. Personally I think reaffirming her position might be a bad move for the Democratic Party, but we’ll see how that pans out in … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged change, Democrats, house, leaders, majority, Rants, Republicans, senate
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China’s currency too undervalued?
The simple answer is HELL YES. But what does that mean, and how did it get that way? This rant comes out of the U.S. House just passing a Bill that would allow the U.S. to place tariffs on goods … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged bill, china, chinese government, currency, dollar, exchange rate, house, Rants, senate, tariffs
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