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Author Archives: houstinhobby
Adventures of Jimmy, Bertha, and I (12)
Yeah, that got their attentions. Mostly in the form of a series of angry and confused looks and several grunts. Needless to say the work they were performing halted almost entirely while they all gawked at the pinko who just … Continue reading
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Tagged Adventures of Jimmy Bertha and I, novels by pieces
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Some natural disasters…
Just aren’t news. Or at least aren’t news worthy on anything but the AP and NPR. Currently I’m speaking about the massive amount of flooding that is going on in Pakistan due to torrential rainfall. Lots of people displaced, dead, … Continue reading
Hold that thought…
or wedding perhaps. The Ninth District Appeals court has put a stay on the Prop 8 strike down that had occurred only a short time ago. This, however, is not a sign that the court will rule in favor of … Continue reading
China now 2nd biggest economy…
In the World. Due to lack of growth on the part of the Japanese economy, and coupled with the Chinese policy of abusing it’s workers and paying zero attention to international copyright agreements, the Chinese economy has now outstripped every … Continue reading
Adventures of Jimmy, Bertha, and I (11)
So now you know why I’m sitting in a sewer, regretting the food choice I had made earlier. Not the best explanation, I know, and not the best reasoning behind it all either, but hey, it’s all I got. Now … Continue reading
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Tagged Adventures of Jimmy Bertha and I, novel by pieces
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Stanvert (14)
They stop. It is quiet. Except for the occasional boom, and shake. “Give her to me.” the man says. Stanvert hands her over. She is still quiet. She is still stopped.
Been away a while…
Sorry for the lack of content in the past week and a half but I have been bogged down in teh-real-life. Thankfully I have been able to wrestle back some free time from the gaping maw that is my job … Continue reading
No comic…
No comic this week. In an attempt to test the new dog out on the house, him being alone in the house with no supervision, we ended up with a few destroyed pieces of clothing and a very broken wacom … Continue reading
Adventures of Jimmy, Bertha, and I (10)
The next address wasn’t too far away from the restaurant. I got some distance between me and the orc boys that had been heading into the shop when I left, before I actually started heading there. I decided to use … Continue reading
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