or wedding perhaps. The Ninth District Appeals court has put a stay on the Prop 8 strike down that had occurred only a short time ago. This, however, is not a sign that the court will rule in favor of upholding Prop 8. This is only a sign that the court is planning on hearing the case. My take on all this stuff may or may not be well known, but I’m going to use this topic to springboard into something a little more interesting from my perspective. You see, one of the reasons Prop 8 got struck down is the belief that everyone has “the fundamental right to marriage.” (Not a quote from the strike down, but a quote I’ve seen plastered everywhere by the anti-Prop 8 crowd)
Now I haven’t read the entire Constitution lately but I don’t remember there being anything in there about there being a “right to marry whoever you want”. Our “rights”, as spelled out in the Constitution are actually many and varied, but everyday those rights are being restricted and overtaken. We have the right to free speech and public assembly, but only as long as that speech isn’t violence inciting and the public assembly isn’t violence inducing, violence being defined by the government. We have the right to have guns, except those guns which are deemed to be too violent and dangerous. Or how about that we can’t have excessive fines or bails imposed on us, except the government decides what excessive is. Personally I like the 10th Amendment “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”, which has been utterly overwritten by almost every law made by Congress in the last century or so.
But hey, screw fighting to keep the rights we already have from being taken away by an increasingly dominating federal system which aims at forcing all Americans of every State, County, City, and School District to both have the same problems and solve those problems the same way. Let’s spend our time and energy focusing on making sure that everyone has the right to marriage. While the government slowly takes away every right we have in the name of conformity and safety, let’s fight for those rights which ensure conformity and play into the system. What rebels.
I’m sorry. I’m just tired of people screaming about “equal rights” this and “You don’t have the right” that, and “We’ve all got the right” this, when in reality, if you boil it down, the government can come in, take everything we have and forcibly transport us to interment camps and as long as they do it right, it’ll be all nice and legal. But no, let’s not spend our time fixing the system, let’s spend our time nailing another nail in the band-aid.
….wow, that really got me into rant mode there…