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Category Archives: Uncle Pat’s Rants
Good for you…
District court of appeals. In a stunning ruling, or at least stunning to me, the 3th circuit district court of appeals decided basically that even though a law might be written crappily it still needs to work the way it … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged cell phone, congress, distrcit court of appeals, federal, rant
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The Supreme Court…
…by law does not have the power of judicial review. I say this as a strict interpreter of the Constitution. Judicial review was established by John Marshall, the ultimate supreme court chief justice, in the way that George Washington was … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged cars, privacy, Rants, supreme court, tracer, tracking
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Life Finds a Way…
around the oil. Apparently there are now thriving colonies of oil eating bacteria living in the deep, dark, cold waters of the Gulf of Mexico. These tiny little guys apparently like to eat oil, and what’s more, don’t lead to … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged bacteria, environment, life, oil spill
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The AIG Thing…
Just saying that and you know what I’m talking about, unless you were living in a cave at the time that Congress decided to give several companies the Second Biggest chunk of money ever thrown at the economy. (Bush did … Continue reading
Some natural disasters…
Just aren’t news. Or at least aren’t news worthy on anything but the AP and NPR. Currently I’m speaking about the massive amount of flooding that is going on in Pakistan due to torrential rainfall. Lots of people displaced, dead, … Continue reading
China now 2nd biggest economy…
In the World. Due to lack of growth on the part of the Japanese economy, and coupled with the Chinese policy of abusing it’s workers and paying zero attention to international copyright agreements, the Chinese economy has now outstripped every … Continue reading
Been away a while…
Sorry for the lack of content in the past week and a half but I have been bogged down in teh-real-life. Thankfully I have been able to wrestle back some free time from the gaping maw that is my job … Continue reading
Suck on that Oil Companies…
And the people who work for them. Well, maybe not all the people. Just those people involved in the exploration and expansion of oil wells in the gulf of Mexico using un-anchored/floating oil rigs. So, those people who happen to … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged moratorium, oil, Rants
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How is Jane Fonda Still Alive?
I mean seriously. We used to treat traitors a lot differently in this country. I have serious doubts about the ability of this Union to hold when we can’t execute some of the simplest and most essential laws necessary to … Continue reading
Suck on that Obama!
See here for context. Basically, a Federal judge struck down the Obama-imposed moratorium on new offshore oil drilling, saying that the moratorium was rash and heavy-handed. Personally I agree. It was rash and heavy handed, and it was very baby-like. … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged obama, oil spill, rant
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