around the oil. Apparently there are now thriving colonies of oil eating bacteria living in the deep, dark, cold waters of the Gulf of Mexico. These tiny little guys apparently like to eat oil, and what’s more, don’t lead to a depletion in oxygen in the area, which is something scientists were worried would happen due to other oil stopping measures. So nature is working her hardest to clean up our mess. I find that to be pretty true about most things. Given time, nature will just smile and mop up our mess.
But saying that doesn’t mean I’m in support of just running around causing environmental disasters. In not anti-environment. I like fresh air, fresh water, a lack of litter on my highway and in my parks, and for animals to have their own space on the planet. However, I am also a big supporter of the human race. And to put it in black in white terms, I support the human race more than I support the environment. Given a choice I would rather see the environment destroyed than for the human race to be destroyed.
But that’s just it. I’m not so deluded or brash enough to think we can destroy nature, even if we wanted to. The best we could possibly do would be to destroy ourselves. Seriously think about it. Think about what we could do as a race to try and destroy the environment. Nuclear weapons, poisons, geological plate shifting, global cooling (for you 1970’s scientific scare buffs), global warming (for you 2000’s scientific scare buffs). In all those scenarios, the human race bites the dust waaaaaaaaaaaaay before nature does (Nature actually does AWESOMELY in the global warming scenario). Would we maybe “set nature back a few years.” Sure, maybe, then again maybe we wouldn’t. Life is incredibly complex and life, especially small life, is continuously changing the way it interacts with it’s environment and the other bits of life around it. So that’s the point, no matter how badly we treat the environment, the environment will bounce back. It’s the human race that might not.