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Author Archives: houstinhobby
How is Jane Fonda Still Alive?
I mean seriously. We used to treat traitors a lot differently in this country. I have serious doubts about the ability of this Union to hold when we can’t execute some of the simplest and most essential laws necessary to … Continue reading
Adventures of Jimmy, Bertha, and I (5)
“Recipe for disaster.” I say it out loud just to make my point to the universe. And the universe responded, a lot quicker than normal. Now, I’m not sure how many of you have been fortunate enough to have been … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Adventures of Jimmy Bertha and I, novel by pieces
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Suck on that Obama!
See here for context. Basically, a Federal judge struck down the Obama-imposed moratorium on new offshore oil drilling, saying that the moratorium was rash and heavy-handed. Personally I agree. It was rash and heavy handed, and it was very baby-like. … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged obama, oil spill, rant
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Comfort (Complete)
Head alive and buzzing hard, Slow opening of the eyes, Blinking painfully, Closing the eyes, Go back to sleep, go back to sleep, go back to sleep, My mind won’t let me. My leg begins to shake, A little, just … Continue reading
Posted in Stanzas, Uncle Pat's Finished Poems
Tagged comfort, poetry, stanza, stanza a day
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The Adventures of Jimmy, Bertha, and I (4)
“Uh huh, uh huh, 4753 Whiteshire Rd, Elunite District. Yeah I’ll be there in 45 minutes…wait the Elunite District, that means your a…” I say as I hear the all too familiar click and dial tone. The witch had hung … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Adventures of Jimmy Bertha and I, novels by pieces
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Comfort (14)
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, Now, And at the hour of our deaths.
Comfort (13)
I am gently rocked back to sleep. This was not some drug, This was not more alcohol, This was not a lover, Or my family, or my own will. This was Mary.
Teaching our kids
Posted in Randomnessocity, Web Comics
Tagged Randomnessocity, teaching, webcomic
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Comfort (12)
I am in someone’s arms. They have me, They are holding me, Everything will be alright, Everything will be fine, Life sucks for now, it will get better.