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Author Archives: houstinhobby
And the Supercommittee Failed…or did they?
So the Supercommittee, the one that was supposed to come up with one point something trillion dollars in cuts failed to reach an agreement. Basically the Republicans were of the opinion that they couldn’t add revenue through taxes because we’d … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged 2013 election, obama, spending cuts, supercommittee
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No one seems to get it…
Further investigation into the London fires yielded up what a lot of people think were the causes of the riots. The spark was most definitely the protests over the police shooting of a suspect, but is the spark really the … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged cutbacks, london fires, london riots, volatile environment
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The Nature of Electricity
We boil water, somehow, and direct that steam over a fan, which we call a turbine, which turns as the steam hits the veins on the fan. This turbine is attached to a generator, which is just two cylindrical electromagnets. … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged boiling water, elecrticity, electrons, steam, transformers, twisted wires
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London on Fire!
So, similar to the French circa 2005, the British have decided to burn down their own country. Granted the French seemed to specifically target cars for the most part, the British on the other hand decided to take it up … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged great britain, london burning, london burns, london on fire, riot, what the hell
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Back at it (7)
But what then, but what? It has to be about something. You can’t just write about nothing. Languishing prose streamed across the page. With no point. Or maybe…just maybe… That is what I’m good at.
Posted in Randomnessocity, Web Comics
Tagged comic, odds, Randomnessocity, Star tours, webcomic
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Back at it (6)
But then again. I can’t tell a joke, to save my life, or your life, or anyone’s. No, no, no, it can’t be a comedy.
Posted in Stanzas, Uncle Pat Stanzas
Tagged back at it, comedy, stanza, stanza a day
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Back at it (5)
But perhaps a comedy. Yes! That might work, that could do. A happy, slappy, comedy. With clowns and lions, and juggling and pies. Make them laugh, make them laugh. Yes that’s the ticket, a comedy.
The NLRB Strikes Again!
For those of you who know what the NLRB is I hope you got the pun. For those that don’t, the NLRB is the National Labor Relations Board. The story of the day is that the NLRB is bringing charges … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged Boeing, law suit, National Labor Relations Board, NLRB, right to work, Strike
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