Tag Archives: the I may be wrong project

First Movie…not the video

So I have unfortunately discovered that my laptop was a little too slow to act as the primary video editing tool for the development of the The I May be Wrong Project. However, I was able to put together something … Continue reading

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Editing Continues and Video Me

The editing is starting up. I am currently using Adobe Premiere Pro to put the video together, although there may be some work in Aftereffects as well…and possibly other Adobe products. I find that having CS4 means that I have … Continue reading

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Filming Almost Complete!

Howdy Fans, Sorry for the lack of updates but until I get a smartphone of some kind I won’t really be using twitter or anything of that sort and the weekend was a little hectic and such with all that … Continue reading

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Update on the “I May be Wrong” Project

Some updates on the I May be Wrong Project. Things are progressing nicely. I have a cameraman and a Protagonist now, plus all the timing is worked out below. I’m getting excited about this. Timing updates are below. Time: October … Continue reading

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