So I have unfortunately discovered that my laptop was a little too slow to act as the primary video editing tool for the development of the The I May be Wrong Project. However, I was able to put together something using the DragonCon footage I had. Basically I used the various basic tutorials that exist for Premier and edited my DragonCon footage to make it a little more watchable. I’m not entirely done with it since I’m going to start playing with the effects soon but I have a working copy…which is a little too big to go up on either youtube or video me. I’m gonna do some shorter cut down versions, hopefully in the next day or so, which I will put up on Video Me and YouTube as well.
However, I am now in range of my desktop (meaning that I’m back home), which is a much more robust machine that can do a lot more, a lot faster so I will be starting to edit the video on that computer soon as well, although I will say it took a long time to get the video files over from the laptop to the PC. But since they are both using Windows 7 it was very easy to move the files from one computer to the other…it just took a long time.
Besides all that I hit a slight snag with the initial 4-5 seconds of the video. The video is supposed to open with the fast forward shot of the sun coming through a window. We got the footage but it turns out that Premier can only cut a clip down to 1/1000th of the original frames. Cutting the 45 minutes of sun rise footage down to 4-5 seconds has proved to be problematic. I suppose this was something I should have researched first and then set up the camera to take frames a a slower rate, but we’ll see.
I have a feeling that at some point I’ll be shooting all of this again, but it was a good first go around. More to come as the movie comes together.