Been out for a while…

…but that doesn’t mean that stuff hasn’t been happening lately. For the few of you who use me as a new source, I’d like to say thank you for that, but I apologize for my lack of reporting recently. I was writing a book and programming a new way to move nuclear fuel and that unfortunately took up waaaaay to much of my time 🙂

Anyways, down to the nitty gritty.

North Korea “attacked” South Korea. Thoughts – Either the Chinese are using them to slap us for the Federal Bonds begin bought up by the Federal Reserve or China is about to liquidate North Korea for being a bunch of stupid d-bags and force a re-unification with South Korea. My bet is on the first one, but I like conspiracies and fourth order plans.

iTunes got the Beatles – Now they just need ACDC, Led Zepplin, Chris Rock, etc. etc. I’m just confused as to who doesn’t already own or have Beatles mp3s so that they’d need to buy them on iTunes.

Congress finally settled on a tax compromise – and you know what nay-sayers: Everybody f*&king won so shut your damn mouths. The Bush era tax cuts will extend for two years including everyone from the little guy to the whales (who happen to be the people who pump money into the economy to make it run). The un-employments benefits set in place for the recession are getting extended for 13 months, meaning out of work people will still be able to pay their bills till they can find a new job in this struggling economy. Ultimately it’ll keep the There was some other stuff, and some jackasses are saying this will cost 700,000 Billion dollars, but that’s because they counted their chickens before they hatched (They were counting on several billions being paid in by rich people being taxed more heavily).

Turns out the first 800 Billion dollar stimulus didn’t cost 800 billion dollars – But you don’t hear anyone talking about it and that’s because it didn’t work. The White House and Congress says it’s mostly due to a lack of usage. The programs are out there but no one is using them. People aren’t buying houses, they’re actually still losing them at an alarming rate. People aren’t starting businesses. Businesses are cutting benefits and laying people off still. The programs aren’t getting used. My thoughts: They’re not getting used because they’re all half assed solutions to problems that need whole ass solutions. The stimulus we ended up with was merely a mixed bad of luke-warm ideas that have all basically failed.

And those were the big things, at least that I could remember. Been a crazy couple of months actually.

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