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Tag Archives: Rants
Suck on that Oil Companies…
And the people who work for them. Well, maybe not all the people. Just those people involved in the exploration and expansion of oil wells in the gulf of Mexico using un-anchored/floating oil rigs. So, those people who happen to … Continue reading
Posted in Rants, Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged moratorium, oil, Rants
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How is Jane Fonda Still Alive?
I mean seriously. We used to treat traitors a lot differently in this country. I have serious doubts about the ability of this Union to hold when we can’t execute some of the simplest and most essential laws necessary to … Continue reading
How Electricity Works, part 7
So from the tone of my previous parts, you probably assume that I’m not a fan of Smart Grid. You would be wrong. I’m actually a big fan of it. I think it is very necessary for us to upgrade … Continue reading
Posted in Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged How Electricity Works, Rants, Smart Grid
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How Electricity Works, part 6
So, let’s deal with those two S’s shall we: Storage and Solar. I’ll hit Solar first because it’s easier. The last time I checked on my Solar-in-Development was about a year and a half ago. Most of the research was … Continue reading
Posted in Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged How Electricity Works, Rants
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And Protect the Space Time Continuum!
Read the Constitution! “Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, … Continue reading
How Electricity Works, part 5
So now you know all that, now I’m going to launch into why Solar and Wind are probably not the answer…at least not the one we really want. Like I said before, in part one, electricity must be consumed right … Continue reading
How Electricity Works, part 4
Back to the basics, or at least the Regular Grid, which I’m just going to call the Grid from now on. In this part I’ll be going over Transmission and Distribution. I already explained the physics of how power gets … Continue reading
How Elecricity Works, part 3
The nice thing about a Smart Grid is that it would be more efficient and less wasteful of electricity and fuel. The bad thing about a Smart Grid is that for it to work correctly we all have to sell … Continue reading
How Electricity Works, part 2
Smart Grid is….an interesting idea. But it doesn’t involve storage of electricity, at least not the versions I’ve seen. But I’ll get into that after I explain how the Regular Grid works. And just so we aren’t starting off on … Continue reading
Posted in Uncle Pat's Rants
Tagged How Electricity Works, Rants, Uncle Pat
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Or Headesk, is it now? I’m not entirely sure anymore. The current run of expansion in the English language is a very peculiar one. Usually we see an expansion of language of this nature when we begin an interaction of … Continue reading