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Category Archives: Uncle Pat Stanzas
Comfort (12)
I am in someone’s arms. They have me, They are holding me, Everything will be alright, Everything will be fine, Life sucks for now, it will get better.
Comfort (11)
And then it happens, It all just washes away, All at once, Like slipping into the ocean, A warm, comfortable, good ocean. The pain, the terrible, the pity. Gone.
Comfort (10)
The self pity goes deep, The terrible runs deep, The loathing runs deep, Oh woe is me, It’s my fault anyways, Oh woe is me.
Comfort (9)
The only chance at love, Or chances I suppose, Gone. One hurt to gain the other, The other hurt, In spite, in loss, already gone anyways.
Comfort (8)
I’m nothing. I’m worthless. I just sit here. Day after day. Drinking my life away. Nothing left to live for.
Comfort (7)
It doesn’t take long for terrible. Terrible sets in fast, He starts physical and makes his way to mental, Mental is where he does his real damage, Mental is where you feel terrible, Truly feel terrible.
Comfort (6)
The terrible feeling. Or feelings. They don’t feel like feelings. They feel like one thing. They feel like terrible. I feel terrible.
Comfort (5)
Never thoughts, Never something specific, Nothing I can think about, Nothing I can ponder, Nothing I can figure out, Just the feeling.
Comfort (4)
It never lasts, I turn, it hurts, no sleep. I turn again, it hurts, no sleep. I turn back, the pain comes again…slowly, Still no sleep. No thoughts, but the terrible feeling creeps in.
Comfort (3)
My whole body suddenly painful, Suddenly slightly painful, Slightly tingling, A little burn all over, A buzzing in the head, If I focus on the pain I won’t feel terrible.