Green and gold, purple and red,
flutter flash through the wind,
all around the streams and screams,
I turn and turn and turn and laugh,
all the colors all around just for me.
Splash of red, and pink, and blue,
as they rumble crumble slowly past,
bouncing up, down, left and right,
I jump and grab and grab and jump,
falling colors all around me.
Falling down all around me,
splashing down now around me,
bouncing off my hand and head,
screaming, shouting, waving, laughing.
Turning now to the next one.
Bouncing, thrumming, humming, running,
up and down, back and forth,
red and green and blue and gold,
falling down all around me.
The colors, the colors, around my head.
Washing down around my head,
down around, around my feet,
washing slowly along the street,
slowly draining off my legs.
The stains arcing across my legs.
The stains of color across my legs.
I smile and dance and jump and leap,
up and over, follow the color,
it falls, and falls, and falls, and falls.
The colors color me head to toe.
I dance and sing and play and jump,
the colors splash off of me,
the colors paint all I touch,
the colors again wash over me,
the colors colors color, all around me.