You may have noticed that yesterday there was a new webcomic up here on the site called Randomnessocity. If you read the comic then you got the basic jist of what Randomnessocity is all about. Basically it is a place for anyone to post one shot, no story, comics. Just comics with single punchlines. They don’t have to be single panel. They don’t have to be stick figures. They just have to be a single comic, and it should probably be a little funny. If you want to find out how to contribute, please head to the Contribute to Randomnessocity page. So if you’ve ever wanted to dabble in webcomicry, or just have a few comics lying around that you wanted to show off, or if you want to use my website as a spring board…not sure how successful that will be :)…for your web comic’s debut, then please contribute to the comic. The more people contribute, the more it will ensure that Uncle Pat doesn’t get sued by the maker of XKCD for blatant ripping off.
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