Major Overhaul

I performed what amounted to a major overhaul on the site this evening. I changed the theme from ModMat, which was a good basic theme with a decent color scheme, but I needed a bit more customization for what I want to do with the site. I switched to Atahulpa, which is a massively customizable theme, even moreso than ComicPress, or at least easier to customize down to the basic level. Although ComicPress is still king of organization and Widget areas.

I spent the majority of the evening building the basic color scheme and layout scheme of the site and I think it turned out pretty well. I’ve got to add some logos and some images to the header to liven it up a bit, because it looks a little dead right now, but overall I think it came out well. Plus the forum headers are readable now.

Let me know if you find problems/don’t like the change.

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2 Responses to Major Overhaul

  1. Nojh says:

    Yay! Registration works!

    I wanted to comment on your new color scheme. It hurts my eyes.

    Specifically the bright red text on light gray background (IE the tags and leave a comment). Also the red background of the Google adds. Actually almost anywhere there is bright red except for the box borders and the boxes on on the links column to the right (the small boxes next to the names).

    The bright in the menu items, title bars, links, just hurts my eyes.

    • UncleIvan says:

      Agreed on the links. I’ll tone down the bright red to be closer to the dark red of the basic text, luckily it’s like a single field that I have to change for the links. I’ll look at fixing the ads, that might take a little more work, but hopefully not too much.

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