Howdy Campers. So as you may or may not know, we did the filming for the IMBW project in October. Since then Uncle Pat has been hard at work putting the video and music together in a such a way as to make a music video out of it. So far we’ve got a good deal of the post production work done and have several pieces of the video together and even up online for viewing.
The first 16 seconds or so of the video are up here:
This was actually harder to do than it looks. As far as I can tell the camera I was using to shoot the thing (Or Uncle Penguin was using, as it were, since it was his room back at Trip’s place) doesn’t have a way to mess with the shutter speed. So this is not a shot of the sun rising being filmed by a slow shutter speed camera. It is also not a normal speed viewing that has been sped up. As amazing as Premier is, it can only parse something down to 1/1000th of it’s frames and over a one and half hour sun rise, this resulted in several minutes of footage.
What I actually had to do was go through the one and a half hours of video and cut roughly a second of film out, put it into the storyboard and then dissolve it to the next and last cut. Ultimately I made roughly sixteen cuts and spliced them together. Premier’s Cross Dissolve tool was invaluable for this since without it you would see the light make step changes drastically. As it is now, since you now know what I’ve told you, you will be able to see the step changes, but they aren’t as clear or as shocking.
Another scene we’ve got up is here:
This is just a shoot of the protagonist driving through a bank ATM. There are a number of different lighting effects being used here. It was a very sunny day and the interior of the car was relatively dark. The lighting and shadowing effects were used to make the interior of the car roughly the same brightness with the same coloration as the exterior of the car. In addition some noise was added to the film as well to give it a grainier look.
The other scene I’ve got up is here:
This is a shot of the protagonist getting milk. This piece I think had better pacing and timing than the bank one, but it still needs a little work. It also looks like I might have used a slightly different order with the brightness and coloration effects throughout the shoot. It’s interesting, but the order you layer the effects onto the film in Premier matters quiet a bit. Simply change the order of one lighting effect and the film can change drastically.
Both the second and third piece still need some work but progress is progress. Besides those I also have a Shaving, Pumping Gas, and Driving Scene done. The pumping gas scene is similar to the pieces above and still needs some work but I think I have the shaving and driving stuff down.
I hit something of a snag recently though in that I had accidentally shot one of the scenes completely back lit. While it didn’t bother me too much given the nature of the film it still bothered me some. After doing some online research to find ways to undo what I had unfortunately shot (This coming after some very frustrating attempts to do it on my own) I found a couple of series of videos about Premier in general that went further than the ones I had already seen. So now I’m mired down in those right now and production is on hold until I’m through those.
That’s all for now. Exciting things to come in the near future. We’ll be shooting our next video coming in March at AggieCon, details are on their way.