Adventures of Jimmy, Bertha, and I (7)

I pop back into existence inside my house. My wife’s screams immediately clog my senses. Then the wonderful blue taste fills my mouth. I stumble forward, groping for something to hold onto, my head spinning from the sudden change in scenery combined with the leftover fuzziness from the earlier explosion. I get a hold of something and cling to it for dear life.

“Dammit Jim! I thought I said no more coming into the house like this!” I hear my wife’s voice hiss into my ear. My vision resolves itself into my living room, conveniently filled with the other wives that live in our neighborhood. Oh good, my wife is hosting something right now. I look down. I find that I am clinging to my wife, which is a good thing. However, I seem to be clinging to her in an inappropriate fashion, which is causing some of the other wives to blush. I steady myself and let go of my wife. All I can think at the time is how thankful I am that I had grabbed my wife. A fistfight with one of my neighbors would have been a little problematic today considering my agenda.

“Sorry about that dear, won’t happen again.” I say as I quickly make an exit. I head to the bedroom. Time to get out of the burnt clothing I was still sporting. Luckily, or unluckily now that I think about it, my work is such that I have to keep a large amount of clothing around due to the rate at which my clothing generally ends up in flames or in some strange creature’s stomach. Hell, I even keep exact copies of my suits just so I can wear the same thing throughout the whole day, even if I end up losing my pants in a game of poker.

After changing I grab the computer off the floor and sit down on the bedside for some quality reading. Grog the Mac, well let’s start with a Google search shall we. Ohhhhhhhkayyy, a bit too general. Let’s go with Grog the Mac Enoch Storm Brew Clan. Ah ha Myspace! Really though, Myspace. Man, orcs really are behind the times. Okay, Grog, it doesn’t look like you update much, but let’s see. Oh nice, pictures from this morning. Hey! Those are my pictures. That punk is using my pictures to claim the hit and he’s not even sighting the source. Bastard, well now I’m glad I’m supposed to off him. Alright real name is Grog Halthaway Stormbrew. Named by his mother I’m sure. Okay, back to Google. Here we go, addresses and phone numbers. And now it’s down the rabbit hole.

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