I know I haven’t been terribly active recently. Mostly just been tooling away in the background, not doing a lot besides updating my plugins and waiting patiently for WordPress 3.0, mmmmmmmmm WordPress 3.0, it’s so dreamy.
Anyways. In the mean time I’ve gone and set up social networking on the site using a plugin called BuddyPress. In the world of social networking addition to a wordpress website it looks like a person has two basic options: Mingle and BuddyPress.
Mingle, from the looks of it, is a little more intuitive from the get go and little better at setting itself up on the theme. However, it and Role Scoper do not work together and since I use Role Scoper rather heavily I was not willing to use Mingle and part with Role Scoper.
BuddyPress on the other hand seems to work fine with the myriad of plugins I’ve got running on the site (Believe me I have enough that if the website were an actual wall plug I would have burned down the power plant by now). BuddyPress is a little less intuitive, and to be fair the widgets it gives you don’t play well with my theme and the pages it uses aren’t actually pages so I’m finding it hard to actually set them up on the drop down menu. Luckily Buddypress comes with it’s own drop down menu. Unfortunately the drop down menu it provides leaves off two very important links: Groups and Member Directory. Those I’m going to have to figure out how to jam into the home page manually.
But beyond those flaws, BuddyPress is now running on the site. So if you log-on to the site, check out your profile, friend people, create groups, join groups, and basically start networking. If you have any thoughts for what fields the profiles should have please let me know so I can start adding them in.
Good scheming everyone.