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Category Archives: Stanzas
Stanvert (9)
“Home.” he said. He set off. Right, then left, then right again. Always shifting his eyes, right and left. No one sees us, he thinks. No one saw us? he thinks. That can’t be right. Someone is always watching.
Stanvert (8)
“Where are your parents?” he asked. “Parents?” she said. “Yes, your mother and father.” “I have none,” she stopped smiling. “I….” stammering. Looking forward. Not long now. “Where should I take her?” he asked aloud. “Home,” she said.
Posted in Uncategorized, Uncle Pat Stanzas
Tagged poetry, stanvert, stanza
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Stanvert (7)
“Because I do.”, she said. He blinked. Looking left. Looking right. No one sees her? he wonders He thinks. He turns right. He turns left. He looks around him. Another man leads a child by the hand. Setting her down, … Continue reading
Stanvert (6)
“Crystal”, she said. He blinked. He didn’t know what else to say. Looking left. Looking right. Always moving forward. No one seems to see. No one seems to notice. Why does no one else see? He wonders. “Crystal”, he says, … Continue reading
Stanvert (5)
He goes, without thought, without looking back, a child, he is carrying a child. How did she get in my hands, he wonders. Why does she blind my eyes, he wonders. Why does she smile so bright, he wonders. He … Continue reading
Stanvert (4)
Suddenly silver shining scorches his sight, stopping short, swiftly he blinks, the blinding, throbbing, silver light, streams through his eyes and his mind, focus, focus, focus down, something small smiles sweetly up at him, noise crowds his ears, Move! Move! … Continue reading
Stanvert (3)
The grey curls around him, his eyes are soot and smoke, he sees not the people he bumps, or the bugs he squashes underfoot, he doesn’t see them and doesn’t case, the grey is in his eyes, the fog is … Continue reading
Stanvert (2)
Left foot down, right foot up, right foot down, left foot up, slowly moving ever forward, ever onward. The noises sound out around him, nothing jars him, the blasts, the backfires, the coughs, the whines, the screams and shouts, always … Continue reading
Stanvert (1)
Slowly walking up the road, they pass him by so quickly, rushing here and there and here and there, he does not stop, but slowly moves, ever forward ever onward, eyes leveled at the ground, nothing to see, move along, … Continue reading
Rabbit gives candy, Then what does Jesus give us, you can’t eat new life.
Posted in Uncle Pat Stanzas, Uncle Pat's Finished Poems
Tagged easter, poetry, stanza
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