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Author Archives: UncleScrew
Testes, testes, one, two,…three?
I’ve put in some new plugins to work with the site and I’m checking to see if they are working correctly. Let me know if you spot an error or a bug. This post is a test of those new … Continue reading
Did We Win? (7)
Silence descends like a heavy blanket. Talking, movement, he’s on the stretcher, his thumb is up. The crowd claps. Just the claps. No yells, no jeers, just the claps. The clock restarts, the battle lines reform, they break and clash … Continue reading
New Uncle!
Howdy Everyone, Well if you haven’t noticed by now we have a new Uncle. Uncle Waterboy has joined the ranks of Crazy Uncle Ivans. He will be delving into the world of Forum RP with his scheme The Blight, an … Continue reading
New Scheme – Rants!
Howdy Guys, So Uncle Pat had started bitching to me, which is something he’s excellent at, about the fact that there was no where on the site that he could use to complain and whine about stuff and life in … Continue reading
Did We Win? (6)
Stop the clock, start the countdown huddle and yell, yell and huddle break, hut, hike, go! Fake, fake, fake, break away a hole opens and he sprints through the middle Slam! Down to the ground. Move the chains but call … Continue reading
Did We Win? (5)
Move it forward again down to the ball up again, the ball in the air the fingers clutch, it bounces. From finger to finger it bounces Out of one arm and into the next Finally landing, bouncing, out of bounds.
Did We Win? (4)
Another down and another go the yards stretch out before them a start, a fake, a pass, a catch. He spins around one tackle and bounces off another one finally gets his legs and he falls down, down, down.
New Uncle!
Howdy Folks! So I’ve started to get back into the swing of updating. I took of break from trying to get the comic thing to work and have instead added a new Uncle. Uncle Trip now joins Crazy Uncle Ivan … Continue reading
Did We Win? (3)
Head cracks against head shoulder braces against shoulder the arms have to stay inside but they never do. Holding! Holding! Holding Dammit! Can’t you see you blind bastard! The defender goes down and there is a break in the line. … Continue reading
Did we win? (2)
The clock stops to move the chains the ball replaced by the whistle men the teams huddle and make their plans their fingers touch the ground they are pinned now, unable to move. The air snaps around them waiting, waiting, … Continue reading